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Hi Team,

Is it possible to view device details and configuration via SSH from the server? Additionally, when enrolling a device, is there a way to automate the process of retrieving specific files from a web server, with each device receiving different files?
by (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is no way to view the device details and configuration via SSH from the server.

You can deliver files from the web server to device, see details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/4849/send-files-using-mdm

Also, there is a (limited) option to upload different files to different devices: https://qa.h-mdm.com/18176/how-can-i-upload-different-files-to-different-devices

P.S. Please do not merge multiple questions into one, create multiple QA entries instead.
by (36.8k points)