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I updated the webapp as described here: https://h-mdm.com/update/#webpanel

But after restarting tomcat9 and copy the backup xml back in place the version of web panel is still the same.

I try to update from web panel version 5.20.1-oss to 5.27.2-oss

And I tried the update from the web panel:

  • Admin -> search for updates
  • Get updates
  • Run /opt/hmdm/update-web-app.sh in the terminal
  • Restarted tomcat9 with service tomcat9 restart
Anyone an idea how to finish the update?
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
1. Clear the browser cache and reload the page, this helps in most cases.

2. If the error persists, try manual upgrading: https://h-mdm.com/update/
by (36.8k points)