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We are using a mobile app which needs to request access to permissions. When the app tries to open the related setting sheet, it gets a black screen "Access blocked". How to enable access to that setting sheet but prevent user to open all settings?
by (36.8k points)

1 Answer

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When kiosk mode is off, you can manage access to specific activities to the blocked package.

Please do the following.

1. Turn on logging in your web panel

2. Re-run the app and wait for the black screen to appear

3. Open logs (Functions - Logs). You must get the following log message:

Blocked package by usage stats: com.android.settings / *************

Instead of *************, you will see the activity class name which needs to be enabled.

4. Open the configuration details, "MDM settings" tab, and paste this activity class name in the "Allowed activities" field. Save the configuration to apply changes.

5. Repeat step 2. If you still get a black screen, there are more activities to be enabled; enable them in the same way (separate the class names in the "Allowed activities" field by commas).

by (36.8k points)