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I am getting the QR code by making an API call - https://mdm.aquax.co/rest/public/qr/6e485a2c334931226131f5e1281716b1

After scanning the QR code and giving it a device name, I get an error: 


"status": "ERROR",

"message": "error.notfound.device",

"data": null


The API call the phone is making is - https://mdm.aquax.co/rest/public/sync/configuration/abcd0002. This device name doesn't exist on the portal but that is the whole point of enrollment, I want to give the device name during runtie.

If I do the same from the portal without giving the device name in the QR code but after scanning,

the enrollment works.

Please help!

closed with the note: Resolved
by (170 points)
closed by

1 Answer

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To assign device number dynamically, create the enrollment QR code in the following way:

1. Open the "Configurations" tab, choose a configuration for the new enrolled devices, and generate the QR code by clicking the QR icon. The QR code will then contain the configuration ID.

2. Choose the device number assignment strategy (available values - User value, IMEI and Serial).

3. Set the "Add to device list if not exists" checkbox. This option will create the devices automatically (the API call will differ from the one you provided).

4. Optionally choose group(s) to which new devices will belong.
by (38.8k points)

Thank you for your answer but I am trying to make it work using an API call and not the portal itself.

Could you please re-read my query and provide solution accordingly?
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