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I am facing an issue after enrollment. Withing 3 mins, the device shows a warning that the phone will reset.

Couple of things to note -

1. The phone says "Unsafe app blocked" while provisioning for the MDM Agent. The text underneath says "This app was build for an older version of Android app and doesn't include the latest privacy protections." When I click on More details, I can click on "install anyway" to install the app.

2. After the device is on the home screen for 2 mins, I get a notification that the "Device is being reset". On clicking that, I see "Your device at work. XXX has set up this device to be monitored by your organization. To continue setup, this device needs to be reset. All data on the device will be deleted. Your device will automatically reset in 2 mins"

Is there anything I am missing? I don't want the device to be reset each time after enrollment.
closed with the note: Resolved
by (170 points)
closed by

1 Answer

0 votes

Looks like your device hasn't been removed from another (previously installed) MDM system, or your provision flow is wrong. Please follow this provision flow instead of installing the APK: https://h-mdm.com/quick-start/#device

If you are the Premium user, please contact our technical support to get more help.

by (38.8k points)
I am following the same steps still I am facing the same. Please suggest.