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Hi Team,

I have a question regarding automation device , how to run script adb.

input tap 610 205
input text 'username'

I have read this post: Is it possible to execute a command line script? - Headwind MDM Q&A (h-mdm.com) but not working.

Besides the above method, is there any other way?

And this log

07-29 12:10:36.027  1917  9399 W InputManager: Permission Denial: injectInputEvent() from pid=4695, uid=10195 requires android.permission.INJECT_EVENTS

07-29 12:10:36.032  3605  2493 D HeadwindMDM: Executed a command: input tap 689 118 Result:

07-29 12:10:36.032  3605  2493 D HeadwindMDM: Exception occurred while executing 'tap':

07-29 12:10:36.032  3605  2493 D HeadwindMDM: java.lang.SecurityException: Injecting input events requires the caller (or the source of the instrumentation, if any) to have the INJECT_EVENTS permission.

07-29 12:10:36.032  3605  2493 D HeadwindMDM: ...

07-29 12:10:36.036  3605  4113 I HeadwindMDM: Logs are uploaded

07-29 12:10:36.038  3605  2493 I HeadwindMDM: RemoteLogWorker scheduled

07-29 12:10:36.040  3605  4113 I HeadwindMDM: Remote logger: unsent items: 1

07-29 12:10:36.056  3605  4113 I HeadwindMDM: Logs are uploaded

07-29 12:10:36.062  3605  4113 I HeadwindMDM: Remote logger: unsent items: 0

07-29 12:10:36.063  3605  3821 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [ id=3a6914d4-bdee-4ac9-975c-abd8cf855551, tags={ com.hmdm.launcher, com.hmdm.launcher.worker.RemoteLogWorker } ]

07-29 12:10:33.260     0     0 E [schedu][0x4098b41326b][12:10:36.155016] wlan: [2282:E:WMA] wma_roam_stats_event_handler: 3762: Invalid roam ap data num_tlv:9

07-29 12:10:36.287 12686 12686 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.clearcut.bootcount.service.START dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.PersistentBoundBrokerService }

07-29 12:10:36.919 12781 12781 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.pay.service.BIND dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsApiService }

07-29 12:10:36.968 12781 12781 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.auth.cryptauth.cryptauthservice.START dat=chimera-action:/... cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService }

07-29 12:10:37.067  1917  2388 D ActivityManager: broadcastName action=android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED isProtectedBroadcast:true

by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Headwind MDM has no permissions to run gesture simulation commands. INJECT_EVENTS permission can only be granted to system apps

by (39.8k points)