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0 votes

Good morning,

When viewing my device logs, I get this error. It seems to have no impact because I have all the features working. Is it necessary to do anything? 

It appears in the logs once a day, but the MDM and my devices have been working for 2 years without difficulty.

WARNING : Failed to migrate to admin: malformed URL

Thank you for your expertise! Very nice day !

by (1.0k points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
In the "New server URL" field, you should write the URL of your new server when you migrating devices from one server to another. Other content will cause this error. See details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/5806/how-to-migrate-to-the-new-server-change-server-url
by (36.9k points)
selected by
Oh lord, I have a value marked "admin" which has slipped into all of my configurations!! Thank you so much !