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I was trying to install the MDM agent apk on my Android tablet which I use on a daily basis and which has a lot of data.

However during the post-install steps, I got a pop-up requesting for permission to "Delete all data" and "Set password rules". Available choices were Cancel, Uninstall, Activate.

Fearing that it would delete all the data on my tablet, at this stage I uninstalled the app.

I would like to know if it is possible to install the MDM launcher / agent on a personal device to monitor it without having to erase all existing data. Will choosing the Cancel option facilitate that?

by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Headwind MDM is designed to work on managed corporate devices rather than on personal devices. Resetting the device and deleting all data is a part of corporate security (used when a device is lost or stolen). Therefore, Headwind MDM needs the permission to delete all data. Note that it doesn't delete data or reset the device without an explicit action in the web panel.

You can try choosing Cancel on that screen, this would be more safe choice for a personal device.
by (37.8k points)
Thanks for the clarification. I had to choose Activate to move ahead with the installation. Cancel option would not allowme to move ahead. Activate allowed the installation without resetting the device which is the desired outcome.