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I am currently trialling the enterprise version of the MDM. All is good so far except for the manual changing of the timezone - this doesn't seem to have any affect no matter what value I set - timezone remains stubbornly on GMT.

Any help greatly appreciated.

by (180 points)

1 Answer

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Make sure that:

1. Headwind MDM has the Device Owner permissions: https://qa.h-mdm.com/4895/what-is-the-difference-between-application-mode-and-mdm-mode

2. You are using the correct format of the time zone: America/Los_Angeles  (you can find the full list of time zones by clicking a link at the right of the "Time Zone" field). The format like "GMT+4" will not work.
by (40.1k points)
I was using the timezone abbreviation e.g. PET, GMT, EAT.

All sorted now, many thanks :-)
Hi, can you explain to me what format you are using to set the time zone remotely from MDM?
The format is Continent/City, see the list of time zones here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones  (the link presents in the Headwind MDM web panel).