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0 votes
The MDM launcher does not uninstall apps automatically, except by clicking the small arrow to update the device.

Indeed, we have an application installed via MDM which is present on our 1790 devices, and the uninstallation of the latter is not done automatically. We have to ask our users to click on the little update arrow on the launcher, and at that point, it uninstalls from the Android system. Automated installation works, automatic display or not of icons on the launcher works, but uninstallation does not. The pad remains yellow on the configuration. We are using HTTP protocol which works very well, and this has happened since the upgrade to 5.26 on the MDM launcher. The MDM portal is in 5.25.1

Thank you a lot. I remain fully available if necessary.
by (1.0k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Small clarification, if we go through the functions, push messages, and we make a new message, of type uninstallapp, it works very well!! I don't see what is blocking the MDM AGENT from deleting the applications...

by (1.0k points)
0 votes
I am at your entire disposal if necessary @hmdm
by (1.0k points)