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0 votes
Following the video for installing Headwind MDM for Linux Ubuntu, I have to create some sort of domain website with a login/ssh. How do I do this with iPage since I already have iPage. I am also using a dedicated PC for running Ubuntu Linux and not using Virtual machines
by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
According to the site, it is possible to rent a VPS or dedicated server.

I don't see any problems installing MDM there. It is important that the OS is Ubuntu.
by (8.9k points)
I create a sub domain on my iPage and put my Linux machines IP address as the subdirectory/URL and to the DNS record. But as soon as I the subdomain link when installing Headwind to my Ubuntu Machine, it says "Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server."
We do not know the features and limitations of this service. Perhaps you should contact their support.