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Suddenly having issues updating apps on some of our managed devices. At first I thought the issue was just 3rd party apps but it also has the same error on HMDM apps.

For example, updating com.whatsapp or  com.hmdm.launcher results in an error box on the device that just says "Error installing com.hmdm.launcher ". Logs don't show anything - other than downloading and then silently installing for each app and then Update Flow Completed. No app can update.

Worth noting nothing has changed on the server since the issue, but the phone has updated to a newer version of Andriod.

I cannot seem to get any logs from the device itself and it doesn't report back the failure to install to the server so at a loss for how to diagnose this issue further. Any help would be great!
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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Please review the Logcat output (https://qa.h-mdm.com/5840/how-to-get-diagnostic-info-logcat-from-the-android-device), it should log the reason why apps aren't installed.
by (34.3k points)