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0 votes

Hi there,

We are trying to find a way to change the default configuration of notifications from icons to details.

Pictures of the setting we want to change is attached.

Currently the only way we can do this is by unlocking the phone, holding the lock screen and manually changing from icon to details (see picture)

Thanks in advance!

by (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

You can allow the notification style to be changed by adding an activity to the configuration. Go to the configuration settings to the MDM Settings tab. Add to allowed activities:

com.android.settings.Settings$NotificationAppListActivity, com.android.settings.Settings$ConfigureNotificationSettingsActivity

Now you will be able to change the activity style through the lock screen via the Notification Settings button.

With this method, other settings will remain unavailable to the user.
by (12.6k points)