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I’ve been trying to configure the photos plugin for a while.

I mounted a shared drive that is on a NAS Sharing Photos on the Ubuntu MDM vm mount: /home/user/Photos 

Here is my configuration on the management console. conf

But on the console, I see the photos coming with preview, but no photo in the shared folder.


by (170 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You specified the /home/utulisateur/Photos directory in the plugin settings, but this setting is used for "Paths that do not require transmission (separated by ;)"

Photos are saved in the /var/lib/tomcat9/work/plugins/plugin/photo/ directory.
by (9.0k points)
For it to be transferred to /home/user/Photos, how should I configure that?
What link should I put so that it is transferred to my photos folder?
Hello, can you help me?