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A13 kernel vision 4.19.191-g2027d8e9b72e on a hardware : Lenovo Tablet TB310FU this latest update has a taskbar added I think its apart of the "Smart Launcher" is there a way to have MDM turn this off. the goal is to have A13 updated but keep the 3 button gesture controls in the center with out the apps as an option . AI gave me a hint : but this does not match the format of Restrictions in mdm settings tab

  • com.android.settings.system.navigation_style = 3button

  • com.android.settings.system.smart_launcher_enabled = false

by (190 points)

1 Answer

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Unfortunately, Headwind MDM has no permissions to change the system settings, in particular, disabling the "Smart launcher".
by (39.2k points)