1. Make sure you're running the Premium version of Headwind Remote. Open the Headwind Remote mobile agent, click "About" in the menu. The build variant should be "premium". If that's not the case, contact the Headwind MDM tech support and request the Premium variant.
2. Add the VERBOSE logging to the com.hmdm.control package (similar to the Headwind MDM launcher logging, see how to here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1573/how-to-turn-on-the-launcher-logs). Click the "Refresh configuration" icon on the mobile agent desktop (or reboot the device) to apply changes with guarantee.
3. Open the device configuration in the Headwind MDM web panel, and make sure the Push notification settings are correct.
Push notifications: MQTT Protocol (Instant delivery)
Keep-Alive Time: 5 minutes or less
4. Check the launcher logs for the "MQTT connection failure" record. If you find this record, fix the MQTT issue: https://qa.h-mdm.com/5102/devices-updated-diagnose-push-notification-service-issue (it's recommended to check it anyway). Check the log records for the "Push notification received: type runApp" messages.
5. If you have recently upgraded Community version to Premium, contact the technical support and send the value of the hash.secret attribute in the Tomcat log file (/var/lib/tomcat9/conf/Catalina/localhost/ROOT.xml), probably it needs to be updated as well. You can also fix this by setting the mqtt.auth attribute to 0, but it's less secure.
6. Note that Headwind Remote uses UDP which is non-reliable by nature. Packet loss may cause this issue as well. Just wait two minutes (the agent restart time is adjusted in Settings - Remote Control for each configuration) and retry.
7. If nothing of the above helps, send the logs of Headwind Remote mobile agent (if any) to the technical support.