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If I open the remote app on the mobile device and then, go to the hremote web panel and enter session ID and pass, I can see the green dot on the mobile device to indicate the device is currently remote controlled but, on the hremote web panel, all I see is 2 jumping dots indefinitely like in following picture.

by (40.1k points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Headwind Remote may not work on some devices due to screencast codec compatibility issues. This issue is almost impossible to fix, sorry about that. Here are some workarounds.

1. Please try using another browser (Chrome is recommended). 

2. Try to change the Internet provider, both for device and browser.

3. Open the Headwind MDM, configuration details, Application settings, and add the following application settings for the package id com.hmdm.control:

Attribute: google_encoder

Value: 1

The parameter google_encoder forces Headwind Remote to send the screencast encoded by the software encoder provided by Google rather than the hardware (device-specific) encoder. Google encoder is always supported by Chrome, whereas some hardware encoders are not (for example, we are aware of issues with Exynos).

Attribute: force_refresh_sec

Value: 1

The parameter force_refresh_sec forces the encoder to send a key frame and refresh the whole image within a fixed time (1 second in the example above). This increases the bandwidth required to send the screencast but prevents delays when there's no motion on the device screen.

Save the configuration to apply settings.

Reboot the device to apply settings with guarantee.

by (40.1k points)
edited by
0 votes
Another workaround would be to use Firefox as Headwind Remote sometimes doesn't work well in Chrome.

If you're using the Premium license, ask the technical support to provide you with the latest version.
by (40.1k points)