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Is there any way we can support the Amazon Fire devices in Kiosk mode? Unfortunately when you try and set the owner with this command:

adb shell dpm set-device-owner com.hmdm.launcher/.AdminReceiver

It says it can't do it as the there is already a profiler set up. 
I've Googled around a lot and can't seem to find a way to reset the owner info but maybe somebody else has found a way? 
I would be OK with putting a custom Android on the tablet if that might work.
by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You need to reset to factory settings, then perform the initial setup without connecting any accounts, and try again to grant rights using adb
by (8.8k points)
Can you confirm that you have successfully tried this on an Amazon Fire device? Even without setting up any accounts it still has this error when I have tried it.