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Hi guys, I was wondering if there's a way with HMDM to upload webapps and make them directly usable?
by (140 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi , we use pwa for our system and MDM to do fleet roll outs , we used a free tool from google that takes the pwa and converts it to an apk . with the idea of you installing it on the playstore. but we just use that file to have mdm install it.
you will status bar pop ups from play protect we are still working on a fix for this .
I hope that helps .
by (190 points)
0 votes
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is a proprietary technology used by Google to run websites as Android applications by using Chrome.

Unfortunately, as far as Headwind MDM team knows, there is no open API to create PWA from websites and run it in a custom launcher. Therefore, PWA are not supported by Headwind MDM.

Headwind MDM uses an alternative "Kiosk Browser" to run web applications in locked mode (without an address bar). This option is available in Headwind MDM Premium. See more details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/16996/create-a-google-chrome-shortcut-on-the-homepage
by (36.6k points)