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Last year we used Lenovo M10 Android 10 with "smart launcher" app, there were no problem using 3 buttons menu.

This year we have Lenovo M10 ZAAE Android 12 with "quickstep" launcher app, and it's impossible to use 3 buttons menu, the switch button doesn't work, with a pop-up saying the app freeze and the tablet restart itself.

Switch menu using gesture navigation make no problem but isn't pleasant to use.

Is there a way to enable Quickstep working ? I didn't find the quickstep's app ID using "app list" app.

Thanks for your answer.

Edit : we use MDM Agent 5.19 on both off the tablets and with the new ones, with defaut quickstep launcher, the switch button there is no problem.

Edit 2 : after update the tabs and MDM agent to 5.24, everything is working well.
by (220 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes

Try adding the com.android.launcher3 application to the list of applications as a system application as described in the article: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1175/getting-application-not-allowed-message-how-allow-running

Then allow the application to run for your configuration.

An alternative would be to switch on logging and search for a log record like this:

Blocked package by usage stats: app.package.id / *************

Get the package ID and allow it in your configuration.

by (9.0k points)
Thanks a lot for your answer, I tried the 1st solution but it didn't work. Gonna try the second solution.