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0 votes
Is there any way to update/turn it on it remotely? This is causing the Kiosk mode to not work properly. We have 100s of phones that this is not turned on.

by (620 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Accessibility mode is not required for MDM agent. It is only required in exceptional cases, when neither the Kiosk mode nor Access to History are working properly.

If kiosk mode is not working, please check in Detailed information that:

1. MDM mode (Device owner) is granted

2. You are running a proper (Premium) version of Headwind MDM agent.

See more details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1732/
by (34.5k points)
Kiosk works on all devices that that option is checked. When it is not checked we are having multiple issues like it goes to a black screen, goes to the lock screen, ect. On over 30 phones now we had issues and after checking that box everything started working.
There is no relevance between the accessibility and the kiosk mode. Check other parameters as suggested by the article. Anyway, accessibility permissions could not be granted remotely.