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0 votes
I am trying to port HMDM on GrapheneOS for testing purposes. The HMDM is unable to control features like bluetooth and volume lock etc. But the WiFi is controlled. Why is this happening? Is there a dependency of Google APIs for these peripherals? Or it has to do with Graphene OS?
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes


Google API is not used

you may not have obtained Device Owner rights

Check out this article: https://qa.h-mdm.com/14300/how-install-headwind-grapheneos-signing-agent-platform-keys

by (12.5k points)
Thank you, Most of the functionalities work after setting the SYSTEM_PRIVILEGES to true under the production type. Although, few features like volume lock, brightness control etc needs the adb device owner command to be given. Is there a way to not use this command and yet be able to control the features?