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0 votes
Is there a way to connect a device to WIFI via API? For instance on Kiosk mode the user cannot get to the WIFI setting so it would be nice to enter SSID, username, and password via api and it will connect.
by (620 points)
I need to be able to setup wifi for my kiosk mode for 100's of users with different WIFI. I cannot create a configuration for each one.

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately WiFi management doesn't work in the MDM application on Android 11 and above (this is the Android restriction which is unable to be overridden), so there's no API for that.

If you need to set up WiFi, you can enable com.android.settings package (in kiosk mode, it's safe as there's no Settings icon in the status bar), and add this application to Headwind MDM. 

If you're running your application in kiosk mode, it can open WiFi settings itself: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2318310/how-to-call-wi-fi-settings-screen-from-my-application-using-android

If you're running Headwind MDM Kiosk Browser, add the following application setting: wifi_on_error=1

by (36.8k points)