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We have just received our new Nautiz x6 by handheldgroup.com with Android 11.  I tried enrolling one today and was unable to get to the QR code scanner by tapping on the welcome screen, even after doing a factory reset.

I tried the APK install but it doesn't seem to report back all of the Detailed Info.
by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately some devices have no Managed Provisioning application (QR code based installer). There's either no welcome screen, or tapping 6 tomes on the welcome screen doesn't open anything.

Here are possible installation options for such devices: https://qa.h-mdm.com/17340/
by (34.3k points)
How does Android Enterprise relate to this?  The devices in question claim Android Enterprise Recommended (AER) status.
I think you need to contact the device manufacturer support and ask them how to enroll a managed device provided they claim AER status for this device.