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0 votes
I have restored factory ROM to a phone that previously had a custom ROM.  Even though boot loader shows OS is Samsung, and mode is Stock, I get the warning after scanning QR code:

"Cannot create work profile - the security policy prevents the creation of a managed device because a custom OS is or has been installed on this device."
by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I guess this is a Knox-secured device, and Knox can see traces of a previous ROM.

Try restoring the stock ROM through the ODIN software.
by (34.3k points)
Sorry I forgot to mention, Odin3 was used for restoring the factory ROM mentioned in my original post.
Unfortunately, since the issue is not related to Headwind MDM, but is apparently caused by the firmware, I don't think anything could be done with that. Try contacting the manufacturer's technical support.