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0 votes
Hello, I'm having troubles in downloading files to devices using the "files" functionnality in my own configuration. Paths are good and existing, the file is uploaded on the server, but I always get an error, seen in device log :

"Failed to create file /toto.txt: /storage/emulated/0/toto.txt: open failed: EACCES (Permission denied)"
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Older versions of Headwind MDM may raise that error on some devices because the storage writing permission has changed on Android 11+. Some Android builds didn't consider storage writing permission as a "Runtime permission" so Headwind MDM couldn't get it automatically. 

Upgrading Headwind MDM launcher and re-enrolling the device may fix the issue.

Note that Headwind MDM can't write in the private app directories /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/*.

by (34.3k points)
Thanks for your answer! So I upgraded Headwind MDM launcher and war file but it gave nothing better.
And in the end, i upgraded system to a newer build version (i'm under android 10) and then i saw files correctly copying on the device