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After factory reset, I registered the device with the qr code scanner that came out by tapping 7 times to make it into the mdm mode yes state.

Here's my plan.

I'm trying to disable the camera after registering it in headwind mdm by taking a qr code on the cell phone of people coming in from one place.

But to do this, you shouldn't do a factory reset, but you should register a phone that people already use.

After installing and registering the apk, the 'mdm mode' field will appear as no.

How can I register a mobile phone already used by people to headwind mdm and set 'mdm mode' to yes?

please teach me~

god bless you~
by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you are unable to use managed provisioning after the factory reset, you can turn on developer mode on a device and use ADB utility to turn on managed (Device Owner) mode.

See details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1411/

Note: this may fail if a Google account is already registered on a device.

Don't forget to turn off the developer mode after granting permissions to Headwind MDM, because using a device in developer mode for corporate purposes may be unsafe.
by (33.5k points)