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I'm adding a new application. What do the various flags mean? And what should I enter in "Package ID", "Application name", and "Version" fields?
by (40.1k points)

1 Answer

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When you're adding a new application, first you need to upload the APK file.

After the APK file is uploaded, the Package ID and Version fields will be filled in automatically. The field Application name is used for your convenience to identify the application, you can enter any value.

Also, there are the following flags:

System - this flag should be set if you're manually filling in the package ID rather than uploading the APK file. This is an option for such apps as camera, phone, or other system apps. It only effects the visible options in the UI, for example, the option will be "Install" for non-system apps and "Allow" for system apps. If you're uploading the APK file, keep this flag unchecked.

Run after installation - this flag should be set if you're installing the app working in background. The background service should be run in the foreground at least once, otherwise Android won't allow it to run in the background (for security reasons). 

Show icon - this flag manages the application icon visibility on the mobile desktop. As a rule, you must set this flag. Note that you can override this setting in the configuration details (the Applications tab).

by (40.1k points)