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MDM push notifications used to work, but now I see this in the logs (for all devices):

Failed to query push notifications: Unable to resolve host "<URL OF MDM PANEL>": No address associated with hostname

everything else works as it should, just not Pager notifications. I am using HTTP polling.

by (180 points)

1 Answer

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"No address associated with hostname" is a network error, it appears when a device has no Internet access.

If a device has no Internet access during a certain time, and you're using HTTP polling to deliver Push notifications, they are delivered when a device comes online. However you will see a warning "No address associated with hostname" in logs.

Note that HTTP polling delays the delivery of Push notifications by up to 15 minutes. I would recommend using MQTT instead (set the keep-alive time to 5 minutes or less to prevent connection break).

by (39.8k points)
Thank you for your response!

Do you know where I can find the setting for keep-alive time? I don't see anything.
If you don't see the keep-alive time settings, probably you need to upgrade your version to the latest one.
I believe I am on the latest version
(Version 5.13.3)