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I want to disable the camera.

I have a samsung galaxy note 9.

Install with Android App (Launcher) APK5.15,

The web panel is 5.13 version. (both latest) (community edition)

I used his QR code in the web panel to register when installing the apk.

When you press the home button after installation, you can choose between the MDM agent and the original home app.

I changed the setting to block the camera app in the web panel, but the camera app disappeared only when I set the MDM agent as the home app, and when I returned to the original home, the camera app was working normally.

What I want is to disable the MDM agent, the original home app, and the camera altogether.

what should i do?

Is this why the MDM mode is shown as no when looking at the web panel?

(I don't know how to change it to yes)

(with screenshot)

help me please.

god bless you :D
by (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can only manage visible apps in the Headwind MDM launcher. If a user chooses a standard launcher, all apps will be visible.

Moreover, Headwind MDM Community has no option to block unwanted apps and exit to settings. To enable that feature, you need a Premium license.

Here's how to install Headwind MDM in MDM mode: https://h-mdm.com/quick-start/#device
by (34.4k points)
Thank you for answer
In the link you gave, I asked "Can’t reveal the QR code scanner?" I installed it as an apk while following the xiaomi video of the part. So, does mdm mode become no?

Does the mdm mode become yes when I do the "Enrolling the device" part?

Also, your answer "Moreover, Headwind MDM Community has no option to block unwanted apps and exit to settings." Does this mean that if you go to the premium version, you can disable the original home app?

I would appreciate it if you could let me know.
god bless you
To enable MDM mode, you need to follow the installation instruction: https://h-mdm.com/quick-start/#device

When MDM mode (Device Owner) is enabled, Headwind MDM will replace the original Home app and become the default launcher. This works in Community version as well.
So, after clicking the link, the "Can’t reveal the QR code scanner?" Even though I installed it through the part, the mdm mode is displayed as no.