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Using android phones I am installing an app I created and it speaks to the user. Without headwind installed(just normal phone) the TextToSpeech library runs fine, however when I scan QR code and install headwind the speech engine fails with

 speak failed: not bound to TTS engine

Is there a setting? Or someting I should add to the package?

If I go to settings in the phone the speech to text on the phone is there and works when tested.
by (620 points)
Headwind MDM doesn't block TextToSpeech. Probably kiosk mode prevents the TTS engine to run, see more details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/16737/  To check that, turn off the kiosk mode. Also, you may check Logcat for possible issues and locks: https://qa.h-mdm.com/5840/
Thanks for the reply. Kiosk mode is off. Logcat shows the error I showed above. I have tried several phones without and with MDM and they work without and do not work with. It may not be blocking but wondering if maybe a package does not get installed.

1 Answer

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Found the issue, this must be in your manifest file

      <action android:name="android.intent.action.TTS_SERVICE" />
by (620 points)