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0 votes
I currently have 1050 mobile devices registered, but when I send the message through the console, it only sends at a very low percentage, any ideas on this problem?

Thanks for your help.
by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Looks like there is a problem with Push notifications.

To diagnose the issue, please turn on logging for the problematic devices (https://qa.h-mdm.com/1573/) and attach the log file for a device.

This article could also be helpful: https://qa.h-mdm.com/5102/
by (36.9k points)
The launcher log is already active, but I added a new one for the pager; does not record anything.

Although I insist, of the 1050 devices, the message (no push messages) shows me this status:
Sent: 1050
Received: 58
Read: 48

I understand that the read is because they do not open it, but at least I know that 106 are responding, but it does not work with the remaining 944.

Those are average data.