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0 votes
Our self hosted MDM has been running flawlessly for months now however yesterday my monitoring system alerted me it wasn't responding but after a restart of the tomcat9 service it came back.

According to my tests, this machine only ever hits 50% RAM usage.

Is there a limit of how much memory Java is being allocated? We're currently using a machine with 4GB RAM.
by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please try updating the memory limits in CATALINA_OPTS in the Tomcat 9 service script. Here's how to: https://www.techbeginner.in/2021/08/how-to-increase-jvm-memory-for-tomcat.html
by (39.1k points)
You don't have an existing file in this directory

( sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service )

Did you manage to add more memory? Following the tutorial, it doesn't work. From the 1st command, I don't no existing file.
Try /etc/systemd/system/tomcat9.service
Not working. tomcat9.service does not exist. And yet, the service works perfectly. ^^

root@MDM:/home/mdm# ls /etc/systemd/system
You need to find a script starting tomcat as service and update it. This is a general Linux question, not related to MDM.
Ouch. This is beyond my skills I think. I do not understand why, having followed your tutorial to the letter, he did not enter the service. And that the MDM works perfectly on the test phone. I do not do this manipulation suddenly, knowing that I am afraid to find a script that breaks the installation (which works today)
For you, there would be no other alternative to modify the use of the ram? Without doing this service manipulation, which I am unfortunately unable to do... Thank you
Headwind MDM is the Tomcat web application. It cannot modify Tomcat RAM usage.
I don't understand what I could have failed in configuring tomcat and H-MDM from the install script. :(