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0 votes
I have a Headwind implementation which works with an internet domain name but it's an on-premise LAN implementation.

Is it possible to create a enrolment QR code which uses the IP Address instead of the domain name? I have some remote locations with DNS problems, they are not resolving the domain name, and it will take several time to fix it, so It will be great if we can enroll with the IP Address.
by (40.1k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can use an IP address instead of a domain name only if you're using plain HTTP.

Change the base.url parameter in ROOT.xml to http://ip.address. Also, remember that Tomcat listens on port 8080, so you may need to set up the port forwarding 80 -> 8080 or open port 8080 on the firewall.

Note that Headwind Remote cannot use the unsecure traffic (WebRTC requires security) and therefore this module cannot be deployed on an IP address.
by (40.1k points)