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Hi there,

I'm beginner in developpement, and i want to run the mdm in intellij. But i don't know how ?

i read the build.txt, i folllow the steps but i get errors.

I would like someone to guide me to run it step by step

what softewares needed to be installed on my pc before run it ?

and how to configure the build.properties file to my env properties ?


by (360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The instruction how to build Headwind MDM in IntelliJ can be found here: https://h-mdm.com/web-panel-dev-2/  (section "Building in IDEA for debugging").

To run Headwind MDM, you need to install PostgreSQL 10 (or newer) and set up the database.

The developer training services are only provided for the customers of Headwind MDM Enterprise. If you have general questions on how to build a Maven project in IntelliJ on Windows, I recommend you looking to related resources like stackoverflow.com.
by (33.5k points)