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0 votes
I was trying to deploy H-MDM in a Nokia 1.3 with Android 11 Go Edition but I faced several issues:

- Default launcher not working, I can switch to the Android one.

- Restrictions never go in place: I disable airplane mode, tethering, etc and I still can put the device in those states.

- Restrictions like factory reset is not working...I still can do it a Factory Reset after having h-mdm installed.

I test the same features with a Samsung Galaxy A01 and A10s and they worked fine, so it's not a configuration issue from mdm side.

by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Can you please turn on the launcher logs and check for the following line:

Device owner: true

(or false?). Device owner permissions are granted when you install Headwind MDM by tapping 6 times on the welcome screen after the factory reset and scanning the QR code (https://h-mdm.com/quick-start/#device).

Note that restrictions are not working in the Community version; to apply restrictions, you need to purchase a commercial license.

by (36.4k points)