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Good afternoon,

I want to ask about deleting applications only on one device, how do I do that?

example: I have registered 5 devices and have the same application settings as version 2.0 and then only want to delete the application on one device, how about that?

Thank you.
by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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Application management is configuration-based, not device-based, so you cannot directly delete an application on one device. Here's what you need to do:

1. Open the configuration list and make a copy of the configuration managing your 5 devices ("Copy" icon)

2. Open the new configuration details and mark the application to "Delete" in the "Applications" tab.

3. Return to the device list, edit the device, and change the configuration to the new one.

Once you save changes in the device, it should get a Push notification about the configuration change and remove the application.
by (38.8k points)