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0 votes
Hi there, we want to customize and build the agent app from android open source code. We want to sign it and use it as MDM agent in our devices instead of MDM app signed by you.

I see that during server installation all the required apks are downloaded from your server and kept inside files directory in tomcat. But we want to use our own self signed customized MDM launcher app, how can we achieve it?
by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You can upload your own versions of each application, including Headwind MDM launcher.

To upload your APK, open the application list, click "Add", and upload the APK built and signed by you.

Headwind MDM will ask you, do you want to add a new application or a new version - select "New version". This will replace the existing version of the app by your custom version.

by (39.1k points)
Ok thanks, I understood you correctly.