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I would need more information, to configure the different options of the on premise solution. I would like to know how to configure a google account to a device (for example). I cnat find any documentation out there
by (120 points)

1 Answer

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You can find the installation guide here: https://h-mdm.com/advanced-web-panel-installation/

Also, you can search for answers to various questions in this QA database.

Headwind MDM is not integrated with Google Play. So unfortunately there's no easy option to set up a Google account on a managed device.

However you can enable Google Play (com.android.vending) and run it once  - it will ask for a Google account. More details here: https://qa.h-mdm.com/1030/
by (38.8k points)
we did https://h-mdm.com/advanced-web-panel-installation/

We have enable com.android.vending, no problem here.

We want to:

Understand other funcions such as: custom properties in the options (multiline/ send to device)

And try to be able to deploy user configuration to each device, such as google account, or email or whatever.

is any of this possible?
If you want to ask multiple questions, please do not ask them inside one question on the QA website. Please first search for a similar question, for example, search for "custom properties", and if you don't find an answer, create a new question.