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I install MDM using Yours instruction https://h-mdm.com/advanced-web-panel-installation/ and configure HTTPS via LetsEncrypt (a free HTTPS certificate engine), setups regular certificate renewal, and downloads required APK files but i canceled e-mail adress. I can acces to the panel thru HTTP but cannot acces thru HTTPS. I need HTTPS connection workig to generete QR code. Why its not working and what i can do?

by (150 points)

1 Answer

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Most probably, LetsEncrypt failed to generate a certificate due to some error. Please review the LetsEncrypt output for errors.

For example, if you didn't open TCP port 80 on your server or forwarded port 80 to 8080, LetsEncrypt will fail because it runs nginx on port 80 to confirm the ownership of your domain.
by (39.1k points)