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+1 vote
Successfully installed server and started enrolling devices. Encountered an app (Zoom) that uses split files. How can I install an app that uses split apks.
by (160 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
To install an app using split APKs, convert them to a single XAPK file.

XAPK is an archive containing a set of APK files and a manifest (JSON file). Here is how to create the XAPK: https://openxapkfile.net/create.html

The best way to proceed with the public app would be however to download XAPK from https://apkpure.net.
by (39.2k points)
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Thanks so much! I have the apk from apkpure but it won't upload to H-MDM. The upload page hangs.
The upload page may hang if there's some upload error. Open the Developers console in Chrome and check for errors, also you can check the Tomcat logs for errors/exceptions.