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When I use Knox deployment and NFC enrollment, the phone install Knox and I can see on KME dashboard which phone is registered.

However, when I scan the QR code for enrollment, the phone details cant be seen on KME dashboard.

I am not sure, if the phone is in Knox mode or not.

Please guide me on this.
by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

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Headwind MDM does not send any data about enrolled devices to Knox.

The Knox Mobile Enrollment flow is the following:

  1. Register a device on the Knox portal by its IMEI or serial number. This is done either by a device seller registered as a Knox Authorized Reseller, or by yourself (using Knox Enrollment mobile app and NFC based enrollment).
  2. Use a custom JSON from the Headwind MDM web panel to complete the enrollment.

Therefore, if you're using QR code based enrollment (a standard Android managed provisioning flow), the enrolled device will not appear on the Knox portal. Devices will appear on the Knox portal only if enrolled through Knox Mobile Enrollment.

Here's a step-by-step guide on KME flow: https://h-mdm.com/knox-mobile-enrollment/

by (39.1k points)