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Today I got an error while trying to open Headwind Remote:

Error connecting to any of the provided Janus servers: is the server down?

How to fix this?

by (39.1k points)

1 Answer

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Janus is the media server translating the devices screencast. It is a third party software and sometimes stops working.

We hope to fix this behavior by automatic restart of Janus in the future.

Currently, you can fix the issue by accessing Headwind Remote server by SSH (as root) and run the command in the Headwind Remote directory (usually /opt/remote-control):

bash ./restart.sh

To change the directory, use the command:

cd /opt/remote-control

by (39.1k points)
I cant find restart.sh file
Use the command "bash ./install.sh" if the "restart.sh" is missing. Basically, it does the same.