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0 votes
When I tap 7 times on the welcome screen of Android 4 - 6, it doesn't open the QR code scanner. Neither does Xiaomi (MIUI Android build). Can I install Headwind MDM launcher on these devices?
by (40.1k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

QR code based enrollment is available on Android 7 and above. On Android 4-6 (and MIUI), you can install Headwind MDM launcher as an APK file (open https://h-mdm.com, click Download, find the "Android application" section).

Before installation, you must permit installation from unknown sources. After installation, provide all permissions asked by the launcher.

by (40.1k points)
After the installation and launch the app in Android 4.1.2, the app crashed, any way to detect what is happening? Thanks in advance.
You can find out what happened via logs: https://qa.h-mdm.com/5840/
0 votes

Here's a video related to the installation without QR code based enrollment on Xiaomi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAqop4YKUdk

by (40.1k points)