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On about 10,000 devices managed through mdm server, we have pushed new versions of apks. There are some devices which are OFF, some operating in field in offline mode ( since there is no telecom operator signals available), others may have updated versions of apks we have pushed.

How can we exactly know through mdm server or its db query on how many devices the apks are updated ?

1 Answer

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If you need to update the Headwind MDM launcher, the web panel UI enables you to display the launcher version. Open Settings - Device Table View, and set the "Launcher version" checkbox.

You can also display and filter the installation status in the device list. Open the device list, click "More parameters", and in the "Installation status" select "Version mismatch". You will only get the devices which are not updated properly.

There is no way in the UI to filter devices by the version of arbitrary APK. However you can use the following PostgreSQL query:

SELECT number FROM devices WHERE info NOT LIKE '%"PACKAGEID","version":"VERSION"%';

For example, if your package ID is com.hmdm.versiontest and version is 1.02, then your query will be:

SELECT number FROM devices WHERE info NOT LIKE '%"com.hmdm.versiontest","version":"1.02"%';

by (39.1k points)