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0 votes
Suddenly, logs sent from devices are no longer reflected in the MDM server plugin (logs).

Also, the plugin_devicelog_log table in PostgreSQL is no longer updated.

Are there any possible problems in this case?

And is there any way to detect the problem from the logs?

I have also built another MDM server and registered the devices, and the logs are reflected there without any problem.

Therefore, I believe the problem is on the MDM server side.
by (290 points)
I also checked the PostgreSQL table "plugins" and the record "disable" for identifier="devicelog" was "f".

I think it is not see any problem with this setting.

1 Answer

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Best answer
Please check that the log rule for com.hmdm.launcher presents in Settings - Logs.

If it's there, click "Edit" and check that the rule is applied to the devices which are supposed to send logs.

In a popup dialog, click "Devices" to make sure the log rule is not limited to specific devices.

You can also remove the log rule and then re-add it without specifying configurations, groups, or devices. Note that logs will be sent by devices after they update their configuration.
by (39.1k points)
selected by
The log output setting had disappeared. By re-adding the settings and reflecting the configuration on the device, the log output is now available. Thanks.